Sep 11, 2011

How Nutritional Imbalance Can Cause Cancer

Our nutrition starts with the soil. Man will be forever dependent on the iron laws of nature, because the soil produces all his nutrition, as our body is adapted through millions of generations to this natural food. When man disturbs the biological balance there, dire consequences fall on him.

Rice is the main food staple of asiatic peoples. When civilization came and polished it white and prettier, important minerals and vitamins were removed and thus a disease was caused, called Beriberi.

In addition to damage to the soil, the food is refined, canned, bottled, powdered, frozen, color added, poisoned by sprays, etc, until finally it becomes a mass of dead, unnatural, partly poisoned substances. A body fed in such a way loses the harmony and cooperation of the cells and finally its natural defences, immunity and healing power.

Is Cancer Hibernating in You?

Imagine a disease that lays eggs inside your lungs. These eggs do not produce discomfort or coughing, they don't cause outbreaks or rashes or anything of the sort. In fact these eggs don't do anything except sit in your lungs and germinate for 30 to 40 years. After this time you begin to have a slight cough, a fever, maybe some cold sweats. You write it off as the flu and continue as usual until it goes away. 3 weeks later the flu is back but this time you're coughing up blood. You visit your doctor and hope he can prescribe something to kick this crazy flu. Your doctor runs a few tests and sends you home. A week later your brought into his office and he lays the devastating news on have Mesothelioma a cancer of the lungs.

This is the reality for roughly 2000 men and women residing here in the United States every year. These are people who often time have lead healthy lives. In the article, "Mesothelioma Victims - Survival Stories" Kathleen writes:

"At 42, I never thought that I would be facing a terminal illness, especially one relating to the lungs. I've never smoked and have leaded a relatively healthy life. I have two beautiful daughters who will be heading to college soon - and I may not be alive to see their graduation."

How To Care cancer By The Important Vitamins.

A cancer diet needs particular emphasis on the following vitamins.

Vitamin A

Role: as an anti-oxidant and important for healing.

Natural sources: green and yellow fruits and vegetables, organic animal liver but be careful, a non-organically raised animal's liver could be full of chemicals!

Beta-carotene - very important in a cancer diet - from carrots in particular, is converted to Vitamin A by the liver, and is a far safer way to get a really good boost of this vitamin, with no dangers of overdosing.

Cancer and Diet

The issue of is paramount to your health. Without feeding the body the ingredients it needs, it simply cannot produce the processes that combat the cancer.

Firstly, when looking at nutrition for cancer, we need to understand the role of pancreatic enzymes. These enzymes, including trypsin & chymotrypsin, play a major role in halting the formation of tumours. Unfortunately these enzymes also play a part in digesting animal proteins, so if our diets are too high in animal protein, then our supply of pancreatic enzymes is tied up in digestion and not available for halting tumours.


Red Wine Antioxidant Fights Cancer and Activate a Longevity Gene

Resveratrol is a polyphenol found in high concentration in red grapes, red wine, peanuts, and pines. Resveratrol is thought to be the reason why French people can consume large quantities of fat in their diet and remain relatively unaffected by the diseases normally associated with a high fat diet. Resveratrol is a broad-spectrum agent that stops cancer in many diverse ways, from blocking estrogen and androgens to modulating genes. Resveratrol is now available in supplement form, so you can experience all of its health benefits—without the side effects of increased alcohol consumption.

Complete Information on Bile duct cancer

Bile duct cancer is a type of liver cancer, in which malignant (cancerous) tumours grow in the bile ducts. It is also known as cholangiocarcinoma and is rare in the UK, only accounting for approximately 1% of cancers in the UK. The bile ducts are the tubes connecting the liver and gall bladder to the small intestine (small bowel). Bile is a fluid made by the liver and stored in the gall bladder. Its main function is to break down fats during their digestion in the small bowel. In people who have had their gall bladder removed, bile flows directly into the small intestine. The bile ducts and gall bladder are known as the biliary system.

The bile ducts transfer bile from the liver and gall bladder to the small intestine. Bile is a greenish-yellow digestive fluid produced by the liver that dissect the fat in the food we eat. Together the gall bladder and bile ducts are called the biliary system. Bile duct cancer is a malignant growth in the ducts that carry bile from the liver to the small intestine. Cancer of the bile duct is rare and is most prevalent in people ages 50 to 70. The tumor sometimes blocks the bile ducts, which can cause jaundice, clay-colored stools, itching, loss of appetite, weight loss, fever, chills or abdominal and back pain.

Cancer, Understanding It, Coping With It.

So you or a member of your family may unfortunately have been diagnosed with Cancer. The big 'C' some people call it. Why is this word so difficult to say?

No longer does cancer automatically mean a death sentence. Survival rates have grown considerably over the past few years. Treatment has improved dramatically, along with early detection. One of the biggest advances towards beating cancer is early detection.

So what is Cancer? Our cells are the building blocks of life, naturally multiplying when needed and dying when not. When our body cells start to act irregularly, cancer appears to develop. Most forms are of a solid tumor and can grow within any area of the body.

Cancerwarriors launches a new online cancer support community that helps bring p

"There are currently over 6 billion people living in the world today, and a 2008 statistic shows that of those 6 billion people, over 11 million are living with or have died from some form of cancer. Cancer affects more than just the person diagnosed with the disease; it also affects those who love them. Many questions arise when one is confronted with cancer and that is the reason Cancerwarriors was developed—to help those seeking answers, advice and support.

Cancerwarriors is a non-profit website featuring a free online community where people suffering from cancer and those who love them can get support from around the world. After signing up, users can start participating in conversations, discuss the treatments that they are undergoing, give and receive emotional support, and discuss any topic related to cancer. Members can be found daily giving encouragement to one another, in addition to receiving help from their family, friends and other volunteers on the site.