Jun 25, 2014

Magic potatoes loss weight

 Nutrition Dean, Institute of biological science and engineering, Fuzhou University professor Rao Pingfan experts study found, potatoes are rich in dietary fiber food, rare also contain lots of vitamins, minerals, food, every 148 grams potato produced 100 calorie, really starch content is less than 2%, but not fat, can effective control of total fat intake in the diet of the people. Therefore, the potato is an ideal diet food.

     It is understood, in 1988, the French city of Villeurbanne set up the first global potato diet fitness restaurant, this restaurant is currently in France alone has more than 70. Since 1989, Italy, Spain, American, Canada, the former Soviet Union also have created a potato diet more than 30 restaurants.

     Lunch with potatoes as the staple food is not much, most people when to eat vegetables. In order to lose weight, it should be to the potatoes as rice, such as boiled potatoes, fried potato chips or Potato Pancake, one meal a day, adhere to eat, is certainly good for the prevention of nutrition or minus the excess fat.

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