Jul 24, 2011

Aloe Vera Cancer: What Is The Link Between Aloe Vera and Cancer


Cancer is believed to be caused by genes damaged by corrosion. These damaged segments of DNA are called adducts. When adducts multiply and become numerous in one cell, they can cause enough of a change in function to make the cell immortal. The immune system cannot recognize them and they will rapidly make more cells just like themselves through cell division or mitosis. When the cells divide, they make the copies will all the same errors the adducts have. With every new division all the cells are the same cell with the same damage DNA segment as the first. This could be when the cancer cells are produced.

Having said that, all cells in the body need to be replaced with the exception of the nerve cells in the central nervous system. A cell will lose the ability to reproduce itself exactly as its neighbor should enough genetic damage take place the resulting cells will ignore the numerous controlling signals of the body. This is the beginning of the cancerous cell. Once a cancer becomes malignant it basically takes over the body of the host. When the body of the host is devoured, the host will die and the cancer will die with it.


Aloeride Is a Cancer Preventive


Aloe vera is a particular herbal plant that has many uses, and no less so in cancer. The actual Aloe Vera plant has many properties, and many that help to support a strong and healthy body system.

When using Aloe Vera, whether in a tablet form or as a liquid drink, it is important to ensure that you get the best quality grade product. There are plenty of products on the market that do not have a high concentration of aloe vera but are marketed as having all the benefits of aloe.

Aloeride is a specific brand that is made from 100% natural aloe vera and is manufactured to pharmaceutical grade. This means that it is one of the purest forms of aloe vera available. This high quality aloe vera can certainly provide a lot of the benefits that is advertised as being provided by aloe.

Aloeride is known to be a tumor suppressive and a cancer preventative because Aloeride is made from the aloe barbarensis Miller it has the same abilities as the aloe vera plant.

Cancer information, Why can't they find a Cure?

Here are some facts that are well known about the cancer industry to a few people.

*Linus Pauling who was a professor of chemistry, and won 2 Nobel Prizes in his lifetime stated that most people should realise that most cancer research today is largely a fraud.

*Doctor Max Gerson, who was treating and curing patients of cancer, many of them terminal, back in the 50s, stated that there is no money to be made in finding a cure for cancer, only looking for a cure.

*Doctor Otto Warburg, a German biochemist who won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1931 for his finding that cancer cell survives by a process of fermentation and the natural fuel to feed this process is refined sugar. Are cancer patients told this vital piece of information, No?

*Doctor Ralph W. Moss who is probably America's foremost cancer researcher stated that "In the end, there is no proof that chemotherapy in the vast majority of cases actually extends life. This is the great lie about chemotherapy, that somehow there is a correlation between shrinking a tumour and extending the life of a patient".


Detecting Skin Cancer Made Easy

It is important to keep on performing regular self examination so that you can come to know about the problem at an early stage.

Here are certain tips on examining your self for skin cancer so that the disease does not turn out to be serious or ugly in the future. While conducting a self examination, you should keep in mind that about 1 in 5 people can have some form of skin cancer in their entire lifetime.

Experts recommend that you need to check yourself for skin cancer on a monthly basis in order to spot the problem.

You would require some mirrors in order to see all parts of your body. Try to check the entire area of your body. You need to analyze your head, face and scalp in the mirror.


Jul 22, 2011

What is Malignant Melanoma Skin Cancer?

Malignant melanoma is a dangerous type of cancer. In this case, the chances of the survival of patient depend on early discovery and treatment.

The skin is responsible for protecting the body from several vices such as heat, infection, injury, sunlight and water loss. The outermost layer is known as the epidermis. It consists of flat scaly squamous cells. These cells contain a protein that makes the skin strong and also flexible. There are also basal cells and melanocytes that lie deeper inside the epidermis.

Melanocytes are responsible for producing a pigment known as melanin. This pigment provides color to our skin and also protects it from sun damage.




What is Squamous Cell Skin Carcinoma Skin Cancer?

The best and the only way to make sure if a skin growth is cancerous is to go for a biopsy. The process involves removal of a small section of the skin. Thereafter a pathologist analyzes it under the microscope in a medical laboratory.

Remember that a biopsy is not a process to remove cancer. It just works towards taking off the tip of the cancer.

In some cases the skin tends to heal once the biopsy is done as it grows over the cancer. However, this does not indicate that the cancer is removed completely. Here, the cancer is only covered with a blanket of skin. In case, the cancer is not removed fully, it can get deeper in to the skin and even metastasize to the internal organs of the body resulting in death of a human being.



What is Basal Cell Carcinoma Skin Cancer?

The best and the only way to detect this cancer is to go for a biopsy. The procedure involves removal of a small piece of the skin and letting a pathologist analyze it under the microscope in a medical laboratory.

The process does not work towards removing the cancer. It only takes off at the top just like the tip of an ice berg. Sometimes, the skin works towards healing once the biopsy is done as it starts growing over the cancer.

Now, this does not indicate that the cancer is gone. It just means that the cancer is covered with a layer of skin. In case, the cancer is not eliminated completely, it can get deep in to the skin and results in greater harm.



Effective Homemade Remedies for Skin Cancer

It is a type of harmful, malignant growth affecting the skin of about one million people in a year in U.S.A. There are several causes such as severe sun burns, long term exposure to Ultra violet rays and a lot of others.

You need to do something about the condition of your skin as soon as you observe some of the warning signs. Some of the indications include change in the appearance of the skin such as a mole or sore that does not heal.



Easy Ways to Deal with Skin Cancer Side Effects

However, there is nothing to panic because consistent consultation with your health care team can cure some of these side effects and may also treat them.

Here are some great tips to deal with certain side effects one may face during the treatment of skin cancer:

a)You can easily deal with rashes and itches via powdering your body with corn starch.



Jul 19, 2011

Curcumin inhibits cancer cells growth?

Curcumin has antioxidant properties thus can decrease swelling and inflammation. It's being explored as a cancer treatment as inflammation appears to play a role in cancer. Curcumin has the property to slow down the progress of cancerous cells and also prevent the growth of new tumor blood vessels. Studies revealed that it has an effective impact in treating or preventing colon, skin and breast cancers. It also suppresses angiogenesis and metastasis in a variety animal tumor models. Scientists have shown that Curcumin increases the production of proteins that cause immune cells to propagate and reduces the production of proteins which can destroy immune cells.





Foods that Help During Skin Cancer Treatment

This therapy may dramatically affect your appetite. You need for counseling so that you can get proper nutritional supplements to make you feel stronger and feel faster during the treatment of skin cancer.

Here are certain foods and supplements to help you eat properly during skin cancer treatment:

a)Vitamin C You should focus on eating foods rich in Vitamin C. Eat a lot of broccoli, spinach as well as citrus fruits. You should also consult your doctor about the fact whether taking a good amount of vitamin C will help. Experts believe that vitamin C speeds up the healing process soon after biopsy or an excision.






Tips for Preventing Skin Cancer

Skin plays a vital role in keeping you healthy. It is the largest organ in your body, and it protects you from potential problems caused by such factors as dehydration, the sun, bacterial infections, and pollution. However, there are limits to the skin's ability to provide protection. Various factors can cause damage that cannot be repaired. This is how skin cancer may develop.

Most people are unable to treat skin cancer on time because they do not come to know that they have skin cancer. Certain outgrowths, moles and discoloration on the skin are taken as normal skin problems.

Anyone can develop skin cancer. It does not attack any particular age, race or skin type. Certain skin types are more vulnerable to skin cancer as compared to others. People with fair skin, light hair and light eye colour or a large number of moles or freckles are more vulnerable

One of the main causes of skin cancer is exposure to ultraviolet radiation, or UV rays. UV rays are invisible, and are produced by the sun and tanning lamps. Most often, skin cancer is the result of overexposure to the sun.






Treatment Options for Skin Cancer

Most people are unable to treat skin cancer on time because they do not come to know that they have skin cancer. Certain outgrowths, moles and discoloration on the skin are taken as normal skin problems. When someone is confirmed about his or her illness related to skin cancer, the panic starts.

However, there is absolutely no need to panic about skin cancer as there are a lot of treatments available.

First and foremost, you need to speak to your skin doctor to determine the actual problem you are suffering from. Your physicians would like to take details regarding a lot of events related to you such as your age, medical history, extent of the disease, tolerance for a certain medication, therapy or procedure and your overall opinion for the problem that exists.



Information on How to cure Cancer

My wife is alive today 7 years after being given a very grim future by her oncologist. How did she cure herself? It was by respecting the laws of nature, living and especially eating as we are supposed to. The following is information on how to cure cancer. (Permanently)

*Firstly the causes of cancer are well known and have been well known for decades and it's this information you need to know so you can remove those known causes.

*Secondly, there is a cure for all cancers but our mainstream health providers are not aware of them.

*Thirdly, the human body is a self-repairing machine and given the correct conditions, that is eating the foods that we are designed to eat; and removing the toxic substances that we use on a daily basis the body can reverse cancer and be rid of the disease for ever.
