Jul 24, 2011

Cancer information, Why can't they find a Cure?

Here are some facts that are well known about the cancer industry to a few people.

*Linus Pauling who was a professor of chemistry, and won 2 Nobel Prizes in his lifetime stated that most people should realise that most cancer research today is largely a fraud.

*Doctor Max Gerson, who was treating and curing patients of cancer, many of them terminal, back in the 50s, stated that there is no money to be made in finding a cure for cancer, only looking for a cure.

*Doctor Otto Warburg, a German biochemist who won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1931 for his finding that cancer cell survives by a process of fermentation and the natural fuel to feed this process is refined sugar. Are cancer patients told this vital piece of information, No?

*Doctor Ralph W. Moss who is probably America's foremost cancer researcher stated that "In the end, there is no proof that chemotherapy in the vast majority of cases actually extends life. This is the great lie about chemotherapy, that somehow there is a correlation between shrinking a tumour and extending the life of a patient".


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