Jul 19, 2011

Information on How to cure Cancer

My wife is alive today 7 years after being given a very grim future by her oncologist. How did she cure herself? It was by respecting the laws of nature, living and especially eating as we are supposed to. The following is information on how to cure cancer. (Permanently)

*Firstly the causes of cancer are well known and have been well known for decades and it's this information you need to know so you can remove those known causes.

*Secondly, there is a cure for all cancers but our mainstream health providers are not aware of them.

*Thirdly, the human body is a self-repairing machine and given the correct conditions, that is eating the foods that we are designed to eat; and removing the toxic substances that we use on a daily basis the body can reverse cancer and be rid of the disease for ever.


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