Oct 29, 2012

Prevent Heart and Circulatory Disease

- Get enough sleep each 24 hours. All the sleep does not however need to occur during night. You can for example take out some of your need for sleep as a siesta in the middle of the day. 7 hours sleep seems to be the ideal for optimal circulatory health. Much more sleep seems to be bad for your blood circulation.

- Avoid a high amount of stress over a longer period. If there is something in your lifestyle or work that makes you stressed, you should make adjustments. Meditation is a good method to stress down.

- Decrease the amount of fat in your diet. Do not add much oil, butter or other types of fat to your food. Do not consume much fast-food or ready made food that often contain great amount of added fat.

-Avoid altogether chemically altered fat, so-called trans-fat. This type of fat is often found in margarine and is often added to many types of cookies. Avoid great amounts of saturated fat, as found in fat milk, fat diary products, coconut products and butter.

- Still you need some fat. The fat you mostly need are mono-unsaturated fat as found in olives, olive oil, rape oil, canola oil and almonds, omga-3-polyunsaturated fat found for example in fish, seafood and flax oil and omga-6-polyunsatyrated found in sunflower oil, soy oil, corn oil, sunflower seeds and many types of nuts.http://health.liszq.com/plus/view.php?aid=10079

- Much of the fat you still choose to add to your food should be oils with mono-unsaturated fat like olive oil, rape oil, almond oil or canola oil. Marine oils or flax oil can be added to get enough omega-3-fat. You can also use some soy oil, corn oils and other types of natural oils with a high content of omega-6-fat, but do not use too much of these to avoid over-consuming this type of fat.

- Eat some nuts, almonds or sunflower seeds several times each week, since these food types give you fat valuable for your circulatory health.

High Blood Pressure Known As Hypertension Is Very Sneaky

The medical term for high blood pressure is hypertension. It causes around 50% of coronary heart disease, and approximately 75% of strokes. Hypertension can be especially hard to manage when combined with other disorders, such as diabetes or obesity. Although high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, can cause headaches, dizziness and problems with vision, the majority of people with the condition do not display any noticeable symptoms. It is good to be asking about normal blood pressure values for children because most people think "high" blood pressure (hypertension) is something that only happens to adults. High blood pressure often does not cause any symptoms in children, but if not treated, it can cause serious health problems in the future.

Blood Pressure Causes

Doctors do not know what causes high blood pressure in 90 to 95 percent of people who have it. In about 10 percent of patients, the disease can be traced to specific causes: heredity, kidney abnormalities, adrenal gland tumors, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, hormone abnormalities, use of birth control pills, pregnancy or a congenital narrowing of the aorta. Other possible causes of higher blood pressure are weight gain and decreased physical activity in winter. The nicotine in cigarettes and other tobacco products causes your blood vessels to constrict and your heart to beat faster, which temporarily raises your blood pressure. In some people, alcohol causes blood pressure to rise quite a lot.

Blood Pressure Symptoms http://health.liszq.com/plus/view.php?aid=9674

High blood pressure is one of the most serious health problems in the United States; yet, because high blood pressure has no symptoms, millions of people do not even know they have it. High blood pressure often causes no symptoms, or immediate problems, but it is a major risk factor for developing a serious cardiovascular disease (conditions that can affect the circulation of blood around the body), such as a stroke, or heart disease. Sudden changes in blood pressure can cause interruptions in the blood supply to the heart, kidneys and brain, and will almost always be accompanied by distinctive symptoms. The presence of symptoms, such as headache or blurry vision, usually indicates severe or long-standing hypertension.


Oct 8, 2012

Diabetes Medicines and Drugs

These drugs decrease the intestinal absorption of carbohydrates, promote their oxidation in the tissues, and also reduce conversion of fats and proteins into glucose in the liver. They reduce elevated blood glucose levels only and do not produce hypoglycemia (fall in blood glucvose levels below normal). Metformin is used alone in obese-diabetics but can be given along with sulfonylureas. Usual dose is 250 mg to 500 mg to be taken thrice a day with meals (maximum 3 g in a day)

Adverse Effects: Phenformin causes abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea in 15% to 25% of cases, but with its sustained release preparation, the frequency of these adverse effects is much less. The most serious adverse effect of this drug is lactic acidosis (accumulation of lactic acid in the body) which not only causes muscular pain in the legs and difficulty in breathing, but can also prove to be fatal. The drug may also cause allergy in the form of skin rashes and itching; in rare cases it may cause allergic shock. Phenformin is rarely used in India. Metformin is a better tolerated drug and is less likely to cause lactic acidosis.
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Drugs Used in Common Eye Diseases

Allergic Conjunctivitis

It could be seasonal keratoconjunctivitis seen usually in summer season. Patient has complaints of eye discomfort and redness. It is treated with combination of anti-allergies and low dose of steroids. Another form of allergy is due to use of medication, for which the use of drug should be stopped.

Bacterial Infection http://health.liszq.com/plus/view.php?aid=10192

Infection of eye membrane (conjunctivitis) and eyelids (blepharitis) occurs both in children and adults. It may occur in a newborn baby (neonate) too. It is usually caused due to poor hygiene. There may be discharge from the eye. The eyelids may adhere to one another and it may be difficult to open the eye. Sometimes a boil may appear on the eyelash with pus in it (stye). In this case eyelash should be removed by a specialist followed with proper medication. Fomentation of the eyes with boiled water and a pinch of boric acid powder also provides some relief. Infection of cornea may be a severe condition, which if left untreated

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Apr 27, 2012

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According to recent research by researchers, most treatments for depression, including cognitive behavioral therapy, diet and antidepressants aren't enough. The only lasting solution is the oldest of all - a supportive relationship. Antidepressants...
Treatment for Chronic Insomnia


Sleep loss in early childhood may contribute to development of ADHD

Sleep loss in early childhood may contribute to development of ADHD
Short sleep duration may contribute to the development or worsening of hyperactivity and inattention during early childhood, suggests a research abstract that was presented Tuesday at SLEEP 2011, the 25th Anniversary Meeting of the Associated Profess...
Good sleepers have better life quality
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Jan 20, 2012

U.S. study reveals mechanism of lung cancer drug resistance

New research published this week in Nature Medicine indicates that targeted drugs such as gefitinib might more effectively treat non-small cell lung cancer if they could be combined with agents that block certain microRNAs.

The study, led by investigators with the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, shows that overexpression of two genes called MET and EGFR causes the deregulation of six microRNAs, and that this deregulation leads to gefitinib resistance.

The findings support the development of agents that restore the levels of these microRNAs. It offers a new strategy for treating non-small cell lung cancer, which is responsible for about 85 percent of the 221,000 lung-cancer cases and 157,000 deaths that occur annually in the United States. It also suggests that measuring the expression levels of certain microRNAs -- those controlled by the MET gene -- might predict which lung-cancer cases are likely to be resistant to gefitinib.

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is frequently overexpressed in non-small cell lung cancer, and this leads to uncontrolled cell proliferation. Gefitinib selectively inhibits EGFR activation and triggers cancer cells to self-destruct by apoptosis. However, non-small cell lung cancer cells inevitably develop resistance to the drug. The study reveals how this resistance occurs.

"Our findings suggest that gefitinib resistance that is caused by MET overexpression is at least partly due to miRNA deregulation, " says principal investigator Carlo Croce.

Air is thick with smog complaints

The air quality has worsened in the Chinese capital since Wednesday, triggering renewed discontent among residents.

Without rainfall and wind to dispel pollutants, particulate matter has been accumulating in the air. Most monitoring stations measured PM 10 (particulate matter smaller than 10 micrograms) at higher than 300 micrograms a cubic meter.

In southwestern Beijing's Fangshan district, the Liangxiang station recorded 516 micrograms of PM 10 a cubic meter, the highest reading of the day, according to the Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center.

More than 150 micrograms a cubic meter is considered hazardous to health.

Beijing has been shrouded by heavy smog off and on this winter, and the ongoing air concerns are wearing on residents particularly as they prepare to celebrate the Spring Festival holiday next week.

"I almost got choked by the smog when I stepped out of the office building on Wednesday," said Yang Yanli, 24, an accountant. "The smell is so terrible, as though I'm inhaling chunks of coal, that it has spoiled my holiday mood."

"PM 10 intensity has been particularly high these days," said Wang Qiuxia, a researcher at the Green Beagle, a non-governmental organization based in Beijing.

Unlike the smog that hit mostly the southern part of the capital on Jan 1, the smog in recent days has shrouded the entire city, according to the Beijing environmental protection bureau.

Worse yet, it will linger until Saturday, when the wind will pick up and disperse it, the bureau predicted.

The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggests people stay at home to protect themselves from respiratory and heart problems triggered by heavy smog.

"The intensity of indoor pollutants is 30 to 60 percent lower than those outdoors during a hazy day," said Xu Dongqun, an officer with the environmental bureau. "I suggest people with respiratory problems put off traveling if the smog lingers."

But many people said they had to brave the foul air to travel, especially migrants who are eager to reunite with their families during Spring Festival.

"No one likes to travel when the air is this bad, but do you have any choice when Spring Festival is coming?" asked Feng Xiao, a public servant at China's General Administration of Sport. The 24-year-old plans to travel by train from Beijing to her hometown in East China's Shandong province on Friday.

(Source: China Daily)

China to expand regulation on cosmetic contact lenses

China will regulate the production and sale of cosmetic colored contact lenses by including them in its list of items classified as "medical apparatus."

Some people wear such non-corrective colored contacts to change or enhance eye color for cosmetic and fashion purposes.

As these contacts are not for vision correction and medication purposes, they are currently off limits to the country's medical administration and regulators, said a statement published on the website of the State Food and Drug Administration on Thursday.

However, with the increasingly popular use of cosmetic contacts, safety and quality problems due to the regulation loophole are likely to harm consumers' health, and the administration has decided to expand the current medical regulation on contact lenses to cover cosmetic ones, the statement said.

It explained that the administration will soon issue a notice to ban the manufacture and sale of these contacts without proper registration and licenses.

The statement also warned consumers of the risks of these contacts and suggested they carefully choose and use such products.