Oct 8, 2012

Drugs Used in Common Eye Diseases

Allergic Conjunctivitis

It could be seasonal keratoconjunctivitis seen usually in summer season. Patient has complaints of eye discomfort and redness. It is treated with combination of anti-allergies and low dose of steroids. Another form of allergy is due to use of medication, for which the use of drug should be stopped.

Bacterial Infection http://health.liszq.com/plus/view.php?aid=10192

Infection of eye membrane (conjunctivitis) and eyelids (blepharitis) occurs both in children and adults. It may occur in a newborn baby (neonate) too. It is usually caused due to poor hygiene. There may be discharge from the eye. The eyelids may adhere to one another and it may be difficult to open the eye. Sometimes a boil may appear on the eyelash with pus in it (stye). In this case eyelash should be removed by a specialist followed with proper medication. Fomentation of the eyes with boiled water and a pinch of boric acid powder also provides some relief. Infection of cornea may be a severe condition, which if left untreated

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