Aug 29, 2011

Just Lighting a Fag Emits Lethal Elements! Lung Cancer On The Rise in Non

There is a wealth of diseases that have become very frequent due to smoking. This addiction has raised the instances of quite a many serious life threatening diseases like cancer of the throat, thyroid problems in the gums and teeth, heart ailments, erectile dysfunction etc Smoking is regarded to be the highest preventable cause of death in many countries of the world. Youngsters , in their early teens, are also getting addicted to smoking. This poses a serious concern as they are going to build up the next generation and the future of the world rests on their shoulders.. However, when these young people fall prey to nicotine addiction, the primary responsibility of the youth to secure the future of the society takes a backseat. Accomplishing even the simplest of all the tasks proves to be a challenge for a physically weak and mentally fatigued individual. So, it can be well-imagined how important it is to safeguard our future generation not only from smoking addiction but also from any other addiction so that the world can be saved and secured. It is to this effect that the concerned authorities and the governments are now doing their best by cutting down the instances of smoking in public places. They are implementing bans for the purpose of atleast saving the non smokers and the environment. They are also trying to discourage the young people from smoking by spreading awareness on the evils of smoking addiction. The bans implemented in public places are altogether very important to ensure a no-smoking environment. To the utter surprises of many, let me inform that just the process of lighting a cigarette emits dangerous chemicals like ammonia, arsenic, benzene, butane, cadmium, propylene glycol, lead, turpentine, acetone, benzoapyrene, and formaldehyde. The emission of these lethal chemicals can be held responsible for the rising cases of lung cancer in non- smokers.

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