Aug 20, 2011

Tobacco Harnessing 19 Known Cancer Causing Elements!

Tobacco that is the primary component in smoking is one of the most potent causes of the deadly disease called cancer. The rate of cancer would have been considerably cut down but for tobacco. Tobacco has about nineteen known cancer causing ingredients and there are chances that it might be having more. In the US where the smoking rate is at the peak, it is indeed heartening to know that about 38 million people have quit smoking. However, the people who are still addicts to smoking account to 50 million that is much higher. The good news is that most of these people are keen on giving up the smoke. The bad thing is that many of the smoking addicts have switched over to smokeless tobacco or chewing tobacco with the hope that chewing tobacco is less dangerous than smoking. This is one of the most lethal myths as the harms caused by smoking and chewing tobacco is almost the same. Both are killing. In the underdeveloped nations where people can't afford to buy a fag, chewing tobacco is very much prevalent and popular.

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