Aug 20, 2011

Treating Mesothelioma Cancer

There are three types of treatments for mesothelioma patients. First one is surgery, the next chemotherapy and the third, radiotherapy. Several alternative medicine options are also available and these can be combined with the treatments and have so far provided very good results.

Surgery has proven to be a very effective treatment option for mesothelioma cancer but before a patient can have surgery performed on him the doctors must examine him or her to determine whether there is in fact a tumor in the body or not. After this examination, the doctors can perform the surgery and remove the damaged parts or in some cases the entire organ depending on how far the cancer had spread.

Chemotherapy is a method to destroy these malignant cells. It involves the patient taking drugs that do just that either directly or through a vein. Chemotherapy can be performed after a surgery to help remove any remaining cancer cells and if it used this way chemotherapy is referred to as a 'secondary treatment'.

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