Aug 29, 2011

Which treatment is the correct one for Prostate cancer?

However often the expertise of the before and disadvantages is missing to the patient. The treating physician is however often technically embarrassed and partial. The Urologist's tell it for years after that a radical operation should be made and the only working method it is. However, we forgotten that there are no hard proofs for it. It's could be affected also by a financial motivation. (The interference costs between $20'000 and 30'000).

The radiologist recommends of course naturally the irradiation and that holistic oriented expert wants its "alternative" working methods applied. The patient is advised well to catch up a second or third specialized medical opinion before it decides for a working method. A working method for Prostate cancer is "Watchful Waiting".

Beside the treatment procedures of the "radical operation" or the irradiation treatment wins this methodology and meaning. Although neither for the operation nor for the irradiation treatment proofs for a concrete survival advantage for the patient is present, these procedures in highest place stand.

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