Sep 11, 2011

How Nutritional Imbalance Can Cause Cancer

Our nutrition starts with the soil. Man will be forever dependent on the iron laws of nature, because the soil produces all his nutrition, as our body is adapted through millions of generations to this natural food. When man disturbs the biological balance there, dire consequences fall on him.

Rice is the main food staple of asiatic peoples. When civilization came and polished it white and prettier, important minerals and vitamins were removed and thus a disease was caused, called Beriberi.

In addition to damage to the soil, the food is refined, canned, bottled, powdered, frozen, color added, poisoned by sprays, etc, until finally it becomes a mass of dead, unnatural, partly poisoned substances. A body fed in such a way loses the harmony and cooperation of the cells and finally its natural defences, immunity and healing power.

Is Cancer Hibernating in You?

Imagine a disease that lays eggs inside your lungs. These eggs do not produce discomfort or coughing, they don't cause outbreaks or rashes or anything of the sort. In fact these eggs don't do anything except sit in your lungs and germinate for 30 to 40 years. After this time you begin to have a slight cough, a fever, maybe some cold sweats. You write it off as the flu and continue as usual until it goes away. 3 weeks later the flu is back but this time you're coughing up blood. You visit your doctor and hope he can prescribe something to kick this crazy flu. Your doctor runs a few tests and sends you home. A week later your brought into his office and he lays the devastating news on have Mesothelioma a cancer of the lungs.

This is the reality for roughly 2000 men and women residing here in the United States every year. These are people who often time have lead healthy lives. In the article, "Mesothelioma Victims - Survival Stories" Kathleen writes:

"At 42, I never thought that I would be facing a terminal illness, especially one relating to the lungs. I've never smoked and have leaded a relatively healthy life. I have two beautiful daughters who will be heading to college soon - and I may not be alive to see their graduation."

How To Care cancer By The Important Vitamins.

A cancer diet needs particular emphasis on the following vitamins.

Vitamin A

Role: as an anti-oxidant and important for healing.

Natural sources: green and yellow fruits and vegetables, organic animal liver but be careful, a non-organically raised animal's liver could be full of chemicals!

Beta-carotene - very important in a cancer diet - from carrots in particular, is converted to Vitamin A by the liver, and is a far safer way to get a really good boost of this vitamin, with no dangers of overdosing.

Cancer and Diet

The issue of is paramount to your health. Without feeding the body the ingredients it needs, it simply cannot produce the processes that combat the cancer.

Firstly, when looking at nutrition for cancer, we need to understand the role of pancreatic enzymes. These enzymes, including trypsin & chymotrypsin, play a major role in halting the formation of tumours. Unfortunately these enzymes also play a part in digesting animal proteins, so if our diets are too high in animal protein, then our supply of pancreatic enzymes is tied up in digestion and not available for halting tumours.


Red Wine Antioxidant Fights Cancer and Activate a Longevity Gene

Resveratrol is a polyphenol found in high concentration in red grapes, red wine, peanuts, and pines. Resveratrol is thought to be the reason why French people can consume large quantities of fat in their diet and remain relatively unaffected by the diseases normally associated with a high fat diet. Resveratrol is a broad-spectrum agent that stops cancer in many diverse ways, from blocking estrogen and androgens to modulating genes. Resveratrol is now available in supplement form, so you can experience all of its health benefits—without the side effects of increased alcohol consumption.

Complete Information on Bile duct cancer

Bile duct cancer is a type of liver cancer, in which malignant (cancerous) tumours grow in the bile ducts. It is also known as cholangiocarcinoma and is rare in the UK, only accounting for approximately 1% of cancers in the UK. The bile ducts are the tubes connecting the liver and gall bladder to the small intestine (small bowel). Bile is a fluid made by the liver and stored in the gall bladder. Its main function is to break down fats during their digestion in the small bowel. In people who have had their gall bladder removed, bile flows directly into the small intestine. The bile ducts and gall bladder are known as the biliary system.

The bile ducts transfer bile from the liver and gall bladder to the small intestine. Bile is a greenish-yellow digestive fluid produced by the liver that dissect the fat in the food we eat. Together the gall bladder and bile ducts are called the biliary system. Bile duct cancer is a malignant growth in the ducts that carry bile from the liver to the small intestine. Cancer of the bile duct is rare and is most prevalent in people ages 50 to 70. The tumor sometimes blocks the bile ducts, which can cause jaundice, clay-colored stools, itching, loss of appetite, weight loss, fever, chills or abdominal and back pain.

Cancer, Understanding It, Coping With It.

So you or a member of your family may unfortunately have been diagnosed with Cancer. The big 'C' some people call it. Why is this word so difficult to say?

No longer does cancer automatically mean a death sentence. Survival rates have grown considerably over the past few years. Treatment has improved dramatically, along with early detection. One of the biggest advances towards beating cancer is early detection.

So what is Cancer? Our cells are the building blocks of life, naturally multiplying when needed and dying when not. When our body cells start to act irregularly, cancer appears to develop. Most forms are of a solid tumor and can grow within any area of the body.

Cancerwarriors launches a new online cancer support community that helps bring p

"There are currently over 6 billion people living in the world today, and a 2008 statistic shows that of those 6 billion people, over 11 million are living with or have died from some form of cancer. Cancer affects more than just the person diagnosed with the disease; it also affects those who love them. Many questions arise when one is confronted with cancer and that is the reason Cancerwarriors was developed—to help those seeking answers, advice and support.

Cancerwarriors is a non-profit website featuring a free online community where people suffering from cancer and those who love them can get support from around the world. After signing up, users can start participating in conversations, discuss the treatments that they are undergoing, give and receive emotional support, and discuss any topic related to cancer. Members can be found daily giving encouragement to one another, in addition to receiving help from their family, friends and other volunteers on the site.

Aug 29, 2011

Symptoms of Mesothelioma Cancer

The most common Mesothelioma symptoms are shortness of breath and pain in the chest. These symptoms occur due to a buildup of fluid in the pleura, what is known as Pleural Mesothelioma. However the symptoms of Peritoneal Mesothelioma include weight loss, abdominal pain and swelling due to an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

Peritoneal mesothelioma may include other uncomfortable symptoms too, such as bowel obstruction, blood clotting abnormalities, anemia and fever.

However these symptoms can appear before if malignant cancerous cells have spread beyond the mesothelium to other parts of the body, and other symptoms such as trouble swallowing, pain, and swelling of the neck or face may appear.

Just Lighting a Fag Emits Lethal Elements! Lung Cancer On The Rise in Non

There is a wealth of diseases that have become very frequent due to smoking. This addiction has raised the instances of quite a many serious life threatening diseases like cancer of the throat, thyroid problems in the gums and teeth, heart ailments, erectile dysfunction etc Smoking is regarded to be the highest preventable cause of death in many countries of the world. Youngsters , in their early teens, are also getting addicted to smoking. This poses a serious concern as they are going to build up the next generation and the future of the world rests on their shoulders.. However, when these young people fall prey to nicotine addiction, the primary responsibility of the youth to secure the future of the society takes a backseat. Accomplishing even the simplest of all the tasks proves to be a challenge for a physically weak and mentally fatigued individual. So, it can be well-imagined how important it is to safeguard our future generation not only from smoking addiction but also from any other addiction so that the world can be saved and secured. It is to this effect that the concerned authorities and the governments are now doing their best by cutting down the instances of smoking in public places. They are implementing bans for the purpose of atleast saving the non smokers and the environment. They are also trying to discourage the young people from smoking by spreading awareness on the evils of smoking addiction. The bans implemented in public places are altogether very important to ensure a no-smoking environment. To the utter surprises of many, let me inform that just the process of lighting a cigarette emits dangerous chemicals like ammonia, arsenic, benzene, butane, cadmium, propylene glycol, lead, turpentine, acetone, benzoapyrene, and formaldehyde. The emission of these lethal chemicals can be held responsible for the rising cases of lung cancer in non- smokers.

Which treatment is the correct one for Prostate cancer?

However often the expertise of the before and disadvantages is missing to the patient. The treating physician is however often technically embarrassed and partial. The Urologist's tell it for years after that a radical operation should be made and the only working method it is. However, we forgotten that there are no hard proofs for it. It's could be affected also by a financial motivation. (The interference costs between $20'000 and 30'000).

The radiologist recommends of course naturally the irradiation and that holistic oriented expert wants its "alternative" working methods applied. The patient is advised well to catch up a second or third specialized medical opinion before it decides for a working method. A working method for Prostate cancer is "Watchful Waiting".

Beside the treatment procedures of the "radical operation" or the irradiation treatment wins this methodology and meaning. Although neither for the operation nor for the irradiation treatment proofs for a concrete survival advantage for the patient is present, these procedures in highest place stand.

Information on Skin Cancer with Treatment


Cancer that forms in tissues of the skin. There are several types of skin cancer. Skin cancer that forms in melanocytes (skin cells that make pigment) is called melanoma. Skin cancer that forms in basal cells (small, round cells in the base of the outer layer of skin) is called basal cell carcinoma. Skin cancer that forms in neuroendocrine cells (cells that release hormones in response to signals from the nervous system) is called neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin.

Basal cells are round in shape and are found in the lower portion of the outer layer of skin also known as epidermis. One out of every three new cancers is a skin cancer, and the vast majority are basal cell carcinomas, often referred to by the abbreviation, BCC.Until recently, those most often affected were older people, particularly men who had worked outdoors. Although the number of new cases has increased sharply each year in the last few decades, the average age of onset of the disease has steadily decreased.

Cancer that begins in squamous cells -- thin, flat cells that look under the microscope like fish scales. Squamous cells are found in the tissue that forms the surface of the skin, the lining of hollow organs of the body, and the passages of the respiratory and digestive tracts. Squamous cell carcinomas may arise in any of these tissues.

Testicular Cancer


Testicular cancer is a malignancy which develops within either or both male testicles; if it is detected at the early stages, there is a high cure and recovery rate with the proper treatments. The testicles produce testosterone and sperm, the latter being the male reproductive agent. The testes are composed of a variety of cell types, and every one of these possesses the capability of developing into a type or several types of cancer. However, there are two basic kinds of malignancy – seminomas and non-seminomas. About half of all cases are classified as the former; the rest may be a combination of a variety of other malignancy types, such as yolk sac tumors or embryonal carcinoma. Some tumors also contain both types of malignancies.

Though there is presently no established cause for testicular cancer, there are conditions which can increase your risk for obtaining it. An undescended testicle is one such case wherein the testicle is unable to normally descend to the scrotum from the abdomen. A rare condition called Klinefelter syndrome, wherein the male possesses as many as four X chromosomes instead of the usual XY pair, can also be attributed as a contributor to testicular cancer. And if the malignancy runs in the family, your chances for inheriting the risk are also increased.

The Main Cause of Cancer


Cancer is not a single disease. It is a group of more than hundred different and distinctive diseases. It is not contagious. Cancer can involve any tissue of the body and have many different forms in each body area. Most cancers are named for the type of cell or organ in which they start. If a cancer spreads (metastasizes), the new tumor bears the same name as the original(primary) tumor.

Cancer is the Latin word for crab. The ancients used the word to mean a malignancy, doubtless because of the crab-like tenacity a malignant tumor sometimes seems to show in grasping the tissues it invades. Cancer may also be called malignancy, a malignant tumor, or a neoplasm (literally, a new growth).

In medicine, common term for neoplasms, or tumors, that are malignant is known as Cancer. Like benign tumors, malignant tumors do not respond to body mechanisms that limit cell growth. Unlike benign tumors, malignant tumors consist of undifferentiated, or unspecialized, cells that show an atypical cell structure and do not function like the normal cells from the organ from which they derive. Cancer cells, unlike normal cells, lack contact inhibition; cancer cells growing in laboratory tissue culture do not stop growing when they touch each other on a glass or other solid surface but grow in masses several layers deep.


Helping Someone In Cancer

how do you help someone who has cancer? There are several things you can do to make your friend or loved one feel more at ease.

1. Treat the person the same as always. Don't approach her gingerly, as though she might break or fade away. Nor should you overdo it, however, by talking too much or roughhousing with children who may be physically fragile. Just treat the person the same as you would if he had not been diagnosed with this condition. Of course, if the diagnosis is grim, you need adapt your attitude accordingly and not gloss over serious implications.

2. Offer practical assistance. As you have time, run errands or bring in a home-cooked meal. Grocery shopping, letter mailing, and kid drop-offs at sporting events can save the sick person's time and energy. Depending on how well you are acquainted with the victim, you might want to come over a few hours each week to clean house, baby-sit, or cook meals for freezing.

3. Be an encouragement. Send a funny get-well card or an inspiring note. Drop off a humorous video or suggest praying together before you leave. Using discretion, you might want to let others know about the ill person's indisposition so they can possibly help out, too.

Aug 20, 2011

You Have Need To Know About Lung Cancer

Cigarette smoking is known to be a cause of lung cancer. The risk of developing the disease increases with the number of cigarettes smoked particularly if the person starts to smoke at a young age. The person's risk of developing lung cancer may be reduced slightly if you smoke filtered and low tar cigarettes, but it is still far greater than that of a non-smoker. Lung cancer has always been more common in men, particularly those over the age of 40, as more men used to smoke than women. Considerably, there are a growing number of women having lung cancer since women have started smoking. About 90% of all lung cancer deaths among women are from smoking. The risk of lung cancer goes down quite quickly if the person stops smoking and after about fifteen years, the person's chances of developing the disease are similar to that of a non-smoker. Passive smoking or the breathing in other people's cigarette smoke, slightly increases the risk for lung disease and lung cancer, although the risk is still much less that if you smoke yourself.

Usually, the symptoms of lung cancer do not appear until the disease is in an advanced stage. Some are diagnosed early because they are found as a result of tests for other medical conditions. Screening examinations are done to detect a disease in people without symptoms of the disease. And since lung cancer usually spreads beyond the lungs before causing any symptoms, an effective screening program to detect the cancer early could save many lives. So far there is not screening test that has been shown to prevent the ill person from dying of the cancer. It has been concluded that the tests could not find many lung cancers early enough to improve a person's chances for a cure. Because of this, lung cancer screening is not a routine practice for the general public or even for people at increased risk like smokers.



Cancer Diet

One of the easiest ways to tell if you are getting enough fibre is to inspect your stools. Sounds most unsavoury, I know, but all you need to do is see whether they float or sink in the toilet. If they are floating you are getting enough fibre, if they sink you are not.

The reason a good cancer diet will address the need for good elimination is that as the body fights the cancer it produces even more waste matter. This puts a very heavy load on the elimination systems. If the bowels are clogged up as well, then the body struggles under a highly toxic load. This in turn takes much needed resources away from healing functions. Of course, if the patient is also having chemotherapy treatment, good elimination is even more crucial.

In a well managed cancer diet, there will already be a good proportion of raw foods, particularly fruits and vegetables. These raw foods are one of the best sources of natural dietary fibre.

Other much touted remedies such as psyllium husks can be very helpful, but it is preferable to get your fibre directly from your foods, which also contain other elements such as enzymes that help digestion.



Cervical cancer affects the female body in the cervix region

Although human papilloma virus is the main cause of the disease but it is also diagnosed with women who are in a habit of smoking. The instances of lung and breast cancer associated with the cervical cancer are there. This shows that the susceptibility of women to have cancer is higher by the means of cervical cancer. The disease is indicated by the presences of warts on the area around cervix. But a regular medical check up is required because sometimes the warts may not even appear on the skin and the disease goes undetected.

The common symptoms of the disease are prolonged pains in the thoracic region. Sometimes the leg and the lower back start paining unbearably. Anemia is very frequently associated with cervical cancer. As a result of anemia the patient also experiences a weight loss and fatigue. The person also looses his normal appetite. The detection of this carcinoma by oneself is almost impossible. It is at the later stages only that, with the help of a doctor can one detect it.

The disease is very deadly as its detection is very difficult. Though the doctors can detect it by a simple pap smear but if the treatment is avoided for too long then it may cause a fatal results. The most important thing to note here is that the disease can spread to other parts of the body including the vagina and the other connective tissue. It spreads vigorously and the infection spreads very fast. The disease has the potential to damage the primary reproductive organs and jeopardize reproductive capacity of the woman.



Treating Mesothelioma Cancer

There are three types of treatments for mesothelioma patients. First one is surgery, the next chemotherapy and the third, radiotherapy. Several alternative medicine options are also available and these can be combined with the treatments and have so far provided very good results.

Surgery has proven to be a very effective treatment option for mesothelioma cancer but before a patient can have surgery performed on him the doctors must examine him or her to determine whether there is in fact a tumor in the body or not. After this examination, the doctors can perform the surgery and remove the damaged parts or in some cases the entire organ depending on how far the cancer had spread.

Chemotherapy is a method to destroy these malignant cells. It involves the patient taking drugs that do just that either directly or through a vein. Chemotherapy can be performed after a surgery to help remove any remaining cancer cells and if it used this way chemotherapy is referred to as a 'secondary treatment'.

Tobacco Harnessing 19 Known Cancer Causing Elements!

Tobacco that is the primary component in smoking is one of the most potent causes of the deadly disease called cancer. The rate of cancer would have been considerably cut down but for tobacco. Tobacco has about nineteen known cancer causing ingredients and there are chances that it might be having more. In the US where the smoking rate is at the peak, it is indeed heartening to know that about 38 million people have quit smoking. However, the people who are still addicts to smoking account to 50 million that is much higher. The good news is that most of these people are keen on giving up the smoke. The bad thing is that many of the smoking addicts have switched over to smokeless tobacco or chewing tobacco with the hope that chewing tobacco is less dangerous than smoking. This is one of the most lethal myths as the harms caused by smoking and chewing tobacco is almost the same. Both are killing. In the underdeveloped nations where people can't afford to buy a fag, chewing tobacco is very much prevalent and popular.

Jul 24, 2011

Aloe Vera Cancer: What Is The Link Between Aloe Vera and Cancer

Cancer is believed to be caused by genes damaged by corrosion. These damaged segments of DNA are called adducts. When adducts multiply and become numerous in one cell, they can cause enough of a change in function to make the cell immortal. The immune system cannot recognize them and they will rapidly make more cells just like themselves through cell division or mitosis. When the cells divide, they make the copies will all the same errors the adducts have. With every new division all the cells are the same cell with the same damage DNA segment as the first. This could be when the cancer cells are produced.

Having said that, all cells in the body need to be replaced with the exception of the nerve cells in the central nervous system. A cell will lose the ability to reproduce itself exactly as its neighbor should enough genetic damage take place the resulting cells will ignore the numerous controlling signals of the body. This is the beginning of the cancerous cell. Once a cancer becomes malignant it basically takes over the body of the host. When the body of the host is devoured, the host will die and the cancer will die with it.

Aloeride Is a Cancer Preventive

Aloe vera is a particular herbal plant that has many uses, and no less so in cancer. The actual Aloe Vera plant has many properties, and many that help to support a strong and healthy body system.

When using Aloe Vera, whether in a tablet form or as a liquid drink, it is important to ensure that you get the best quality grade product. There are plenty of products on the market that do not have a high concentration of aloe vera but are marketed as having all the benefits of aloe.

Aloeride is a specific brand that is made from 100% natural aloe vera and is manufactured to pharmaceutical grade. This means that it is one of the purest forms of aloe vera available. This high quality aloe vera can certainly provide a lot of the benefits that is advertised as being provided by aloe.

Aloeride is known to be a tumor suppressive and a cancer preventative because Aloeride is made from the aloe barbarensis Miller it has the same abilities as the aloe vera plant.

Cancer information, Why can't they find a Cure?

Here are some facts that are well known about the cancer industry to a few people.

*Linus Pauling who was a professor of chemistry, and won 2 Nobel Prizes in his lifetime stated that most people should realise that most cancer research today is largely a fraud.

*Doctor Max Gerson, who was treating and curing patients of cancer, many of them terminal, back in the 50s, stated that there is no money to be made in finding a cure for cancer, only looking for a cure.

*Doctor Otto Warburg, a German biochemist who won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1931 for his finding that cancer cell survives by a process of fermentation and the natural fuel to feed this process is refined sugar. Are cancer patients told this vital piece of information, No?

*Doctor Ralph W. Moss who is probably America's foremost cancer researcher stated that "In the end, there is no proof that chemotherapy in the vast majority of cases actually extends life. This is the great lie about chemotherapy, that somehow there is a correlation between shrinking a tumour and extending the life of a patient".


Detecting Skin Cancer Made Easy

It is important to keep on performing regular self examination so that you can come to know about the problem at an early stage.

Here are certain tips on examining your self for skin cancer so that the disease does not turn out to be serious or ugly in the future. While conducting a self examination, you should keep in mind that about 1 in 5 people can have some form of skin cancer in their entire lifetime.

Experts recommend that you need to check yourself for skin cancer on a monthly basis in order to spot the problem.

You would require some mirrors in order to see all parts of your body. Try to check the entire area of your body. You need to analyze your head, face and scalp in the mirror.


Jul 22, 2011

What is Malignant Melanoma Skin Cancer?

Malignant melanoma is a dangerous type of cancer. In this case, the chances of the survival of patient depend on early discovery and treatment.

The skin is responsible for protecting the body from several vices such as heat, infection, injury, sunlight and water loss. The outermost layer is known as the epidermis. It consists of flat scaly squamous cells. These cells contain a protein that makes the skin strong and also flexible. There are also basal cells and melanocytes that lie deeper inside the epidermis.

Melanocytes are responsible for producing a pigment known as melanin. This pigment provides color to our skin and also protects it from sun damage.




What is Squamous Cell Skin Carcinoma Skin Cancer?

The best and the only way to make sure if a skin growth is cancerous is to go for a biopsy. The process involves removal of a small section of the skin. Thereafter a pathologist analyzes it under the microscope in a medical laboratory.

Remember that a biopsy is not a process to remove cancer. It just works towards taking off the tip of the cancer.

In some cases the skin tends to heal once the biopsy is done as it grows over the cancer. However, this does not indicate that the cancer is removed completely. Here, the cancer is only covered with a blanket of skin. In case, the cancer is not removed fully, it can get deeper in to the skin and even metastasize to the internal organs of the body resulting in death of a human being.



What is Basal Cell Carcinoma Skin Cancer?

The best and the only way to detect this cancer is to go for a biopsy. The procedure involves removal of a small piece of the skin and letting a pathologist analyze it under the microscope in a medical laboratory.

The process does not work towards removing the cancer. It only takes off at the top just like the tip of an ice berg. Sometimes, the skin works towards healing once the biopsy is done as it starts growing over the cancer.

Now, this does not indicate that the cancer is gone. It just means that the cancer is covered with a layer of skin. In case, the cancer is not eliminated completely, it can get deep in to the skin and results in greater harm.

Effective Homemade Remedies for Skin Cancer

It is a type of harmful, malignant growth affecting the skin of about one million people in a year in U.S.A. There are several causes such as severe sun burns, long term exposure to Ultra violet rays and a lot of others.

You need to do something about the condition of your skin as soon as you observe some of the warning signs. Some of the indications include change in the appearance of the skin such as a mole or sore that does not heal.

Easy Ways to Deal with Skin Cancer Side Effects

However, there is nothing to panic because consistent consultation with your health care team can cure some of these side effects and may also treat them.

Here are some great tips to deal with certain side effects one may face during the treatment of skin cancer:

a)You can easily deal with rashes and itches via powdering your body with corn starch.

Jul 19, 2011

Curcumin inhibits cancer cells growth?

Curcumin has antioxidant properties thus can decrease swelling and inflammation. It's being explored as a cancer treatment as inflammation appears to play a role in cancer. Curcumin has the property to slow down the progress of cancerous cells and also prevent the growth of new tumor blood vessels. Studies revealed that it has an effective impact in treating or preventing colon, skin and breast cancers. It also suppresses angiogenesis and metastasis in a variety animal tumor models. Scientists have shown that Curcumin increases the production of proteins that cause immune cells to propagate and reduces the production of proteins which can destroy immune cells.



Foods that Help During Skin Cancer Treatment

This therapy may dramatically affect your appetite. You need for counseling so that you can get proper nutritional supplements to make you feel stronger and feel faster during the treatment of skin cancer.

Here are certain foods and supplements to help you eat properly during skin cancer treatment:

a)Vitamin C You should focus on eating foods rich in Vitamin C. Eat a lot of broccoli, spinach as well as citrus fruits. You should also consult your doctor about the fact whether taking a good amount of vitamin C will help. Experts believe that vitamin C speeds up the healing process soon after biopsy or an excision.




Tips for Preventing Skin Cancer

Skin plays a vital role in keeping you healthy. It is the largest organ in your body, and it protects you from potential problems caused by such factors as dehydration, the sun, bacterial infections, and pollution. However, there are limits to the skin's ability to provide protection. Various factors can cause damage that cannot be repaired. This is how skin cancer may develop.

Most people are unable to treat skin cancer on time because they do not come to know that they have skin cancer. Certain outgrowths, moles and discoloration on the skin are taken as normal skin problems.

Anyone can develop skin cancer. It does not attack any particular age, race or skin type. Certain skin types are more vulnerable to skin cancer as compared to others. People with fair skin, light hair and light eye colour or a large number of moles or freckles are more vulnerable

One of the main causes of skin cancer is exposure to ultraviolet radiation, or UV rays. UV rays are invisible, and are produced by the sun and tanning lamps. Most often, skin cancer is the result of overexposure to the sun.



Treatment Options for Skin Cancer

Most people are unable to treat skin cancer on time because they do not come to know that they have skin cancer. Certain outgrowths, moles and discoloration on the skin are taken as normal skin problems. When someone is confirmed about his or her illness related to skin cancer, the panic starts.

However, there is absolutely no need to panic about skin cancer as there are a lot of treatments available.

First and foremost, you need to speak to your skin doctor to determine the actual problem you are suffering from. Your physicians would like to take details regarding a lot of events related to you such as your age, medical history, extent of the disease, tolerance for a certain medication, therapy or procedure and your overall opinion for the problem that exists.

Information on How to cure Cancer

My wife is alive today 7 years after being given a very grim future by her oncologist. How did she cure herself? It was by respecting the laws of nature, living and especially eating as we are supposed to. The following is information on how to cure cancer. (Permanently)

*Firstly the causes of cancer are well known and have been well known for decades and it's this information you need to know so you can remove those known causes.

*Secondly, there is a cure for all cancers but our mainstream health providers are not aware of them.

*Thirdly, the human body is a self-repairing machine and given the correct conditions, that is eating the foods that we are designed to eat; and removing the toxic substances that we use on a daily basis the body can reverse cancer and be rid of the disease for ever.

Feb 8, 2011

Study shows cytokines lymphotoxin can lead to liver cancer

Austrian scientist Johannes Haybaeck discovered that increased levels of cytokines lymphotoxin could cause liver infection and develops to liver cancer later. The findings made him win the Pfizer Research Awards 2011 presented by Medical University Graz, Austria, on Thursday.

Accordingly, a high-level concentration of cytokines lymphotoxin (LT) alpha and beta and their receptor LT beta R can be found in the liver tissue of patients infected with hepatitis B- or hepatitis C virus.

The lymphotoxin ultimately led to a liver infection that developed to liver cancer later. In addition, the altered liver cells form metastases that spread within the liver.

In addition to chronic alcohol abuse, drug abuse or fungal toxins, virus infection was believed to be one of the most common causes of liver inflammation and liver cancer.

The scientists obtained the results by conducting tumor therapies in mice. They produced a lot of LTs to the liver tissues of the mice though a genetic material change and finally came to the experimental results.

Whether the observations in the mice can also play a role in the human liver tumor cells is still unclear. Hayb?ck and his research colleagues are underway.

Moderate physical exercises reduce cancer risk

Moderate physical exercises can help reduce the risk of cancers such as breast cancer and colon cancer, the World Health Organization said on the World Cancer Day Friday.

In a report, WHO recommended moderate intensity aerobic physical activities of at least 150 minutes a week, for all people aged 18 and over, which has proven effective in bring down risks to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).

For the 5 to 17-age group, the WHO said at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activities can serve to prevent such diseases from building-up.

"Physical activity has a strong role to play in reducing the incidence of certain cancers," said Ala Alwan, WHO assistant director-general for Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health.

"Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for all global deaths, with 31 percent of the world's population not physically active," he added.

WHO said physical inactivity is in close relation with cancers and other NCDs, such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, and worldwide, it is associated with 3.2 million deaths per year.

The situation is particularly alarming in low- and middle-income countries, which suffered 2.6 million cases of death, a majority of the world's total, said the report.

The World Cancer Day was introduced in 2005 by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), which takes place each year on Feb. 4. Preventing cancer and raising quality of life for cancer patients are recurring themes.

Cancer is a leading cause of death around the world. WHO estimates, without intervention, 84 million people will die of cancer between 2005 and 2015.